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list of works (alphabetical order):
"about water" (2013) for tape (5'12")
fp: 28.08.2014 Rerik |
"about water II" (2017) for tape (8'01")
fp: 12.08.2017 Buenos Aires, Biblioteca Nacional, Auditorio "Jorge Luis Borges" |
"about water III" (2018) for electronics / tape (10'15")
fp: 16.06.2019 New York, NYCEMF/ ICMC 2019 |
* | "absence - traces éloignées" (2007) for 4 piccolo flutes and 2 percussions (ca. 12')
fp: 28.10.2007 Leuven / Belgium, "Transit"-festival, Ensemble SurPlus |
"Aisthanómenon" (1989/90) for violoncello and tape (10'30")
fp: 8.5.1990 Nuremberg/ Music Acacdemy; Gerald Eckert |
"Alter der Wirklichkeit" (2024) for violin, ensemble and live-electronics (ca. 12')
(bassfl/ fl, cb-clar, hrn, perc, harp, pf, vln, vla, vc and live-electronics) fp: 23.02.2025 St. Nicolai church, Eckernfoerde, 10. "Provinzlärm-Festival" Rui Antunes, Ensemble Reflexion K |
"Anachórèsis A" (1992/93) for alto-fl, vl, cb, pf + perc (ca. 17')
fp: 17.01.1993 Nuremberg/ Tafelhalle; ensemble Neue Pegnitzschäfer |
"Anachórèsis B" (1990/92) for bass-fl, vl, cb, pf + perc (ca. 19')
fp: 28.10.1992 Nuremberg, ensemble of the Music Acacdemy |
* | "An den Rändern des Maßes" (2005-11) for two ensemble-groups (ca. 27')
(fl, bsn, trp, perc, vla; clar (bass-clar), pf, vln, vc, cb and trb) fp: 1st part, 04.06.2005 Freiburg, Ensemble Aventure fp (complete piece): 06.11.2011 Wiesbaden, Ensemble Aventure |
* | "Annäherung an Petrarca" (2006)
for 4 voices, flute and violoncello (ca. 14'30") fp: 02.12.2006 Eckernfoerde, ensemble VOCES berlin and ensemble reflexion K |
* | "Aphel" (1993/94) for orchestra (ca. 23')
(2/0/2/ ten.-sax 1/1/1 pf 4 perc 6/4/8/0/3) alernatively: (2/0/2/ ten.-sax 1/1/1 pf 4 perc 6/4/4/4/3) fp: 12.10.1996 Lueneburg/ NDR-orchestra, J. Harneit |
* | "Aube" (2006) for organ (ca. 11')
fp: 12.08.2006 Eckernfoerde, Katja Kanowski |
* | "Aufbrüche - Verwerfungen" (2000) for organ (ca. 20')
fp: 16.6.2000 Kassel, Andreas Jacob |
"außen, von tief innen" (2015)
transcription of "Nachtwindbewegtes" for bassfl, ctb-clar and viola for flute (fl/ bassfl.), clarinet (clar/ contrabass-clar) and violoncello (ca. 21') fp: 20.9.2015 Luebeck, St. Petri church |
"Aux mains de l'espace" (1993) for 4-channel-tape (15'09")
fp: 30.10.1993 Essen/ Folkwang University of the Arts |
"Brandung" (2010) for video (4 films à 15 min.) and electronics (tape) (65')
fp (parts): 01.02.2014 Eckernfoerde/ Museum fp (complete as space installation and concert version): 17.07.2016 Luebeck/ Overbeck society |
* | "Bruchstücke...erstarrtes
Lot" (1998/99)
for clar (cb-clar), trb, acc, pf, 2 perc, vla, cb (ca.24') fp: 6.11.1999 Zurich/ festival for New Music, ensemble SurPlus, J.Avery |
"Cer" (2014) for 2-(4)-channel-tape (7')
fp: 29.08.2014 Plate (Luechow) |
"chute de clarté"
(2015) for, choir, ensemble and electronics in 7 parts (ca. 50')
choir (mixed choir - 8 voices), ensemble (fl, 2 perc, 4 ad hoc player, 3 violoncello) and electronics fp: 12.07.2015 cloister church/ Bordesholm, choir of the University Kiel, Ensemble Reflexion K and guests |
"closer" (2013) music to a film of Andre Hörmann (3'50") | ||
"Creth (Schaft 29.)" (2005) for ensemble and tape (ca. 24')
(cb-clar, tuba, perc, pf, vla, cb and tape) fp: 10.12.2005 Berlin, academy of the arts, Kammerensemble Neue Musik Berlin |
* | "chroia" (2020) for organ (ca. 15')
fp: 31.07.2020, St. Peter Cologne, Dominik Susteck |
* | "dem schweigenden Antlitz" (1998) for bass-flute (and picc) (ca. 19')
fp: 30.1.1999 Hannover/ Marktkirche, Beatrix Wagner |
"den angestoßenen Augen der Steine" (2014)
for contrabass-clarinet, violin, live-electronics and tape (ca. 24') fp: 20.07.2014 Hannover, Commedia Futura/Eisfabrik, Ensemble Megaphon |
* | "des Nichts, verlorene Schatten" (1999/2000) for flute (alto-fl, picc),
bsn, trp, trb, vla, cb, pf + 1 (2) perc (ca.17') fp: 29.5.2000 Freiburg/ Brg, ensemble Aventure, Ch. Hommel |
* | "... des Säglichen Zeit ..." (2003) music theatre
for one actor/ speaker, small ensemble (fl, Vc, pf, perc) and tape (ca. 15') commission of the 17. days of contemporary music at Dresden fp: 05.10.2003 Dresden, J. Kienberger, ensemble SurPlus |
"De souspirant" (2023) for string orchestra
arrangement of the motet "De souspirant" by Guillaume de Machaut for string orchestra fp: 24.02.2023 St. Nicolai church, Eckernfoerde; 25.02.2023 St. Marien church, Husum; 26.03.2023 St. Marien church, Rendsburg; norddeutsche sinfonietta, Gerald Eckert (direction) |
"Diaphane" (1995) for 2-channel-tape (11'03")
fp: 3.12.1995 Berlin/ academy of the arts |
"Echoes" (2009/ 10) for ensemble (ca. 20')
(ob, ctb-clar (clar), bsn, trb, acc, perc, pf, vc and cb) fp: 06.03.2010 Freiburg, Ensemble Aventure |
* | "empty rooms" (2009) for fl, ctb-clar, pf, vln (and perc) (ca. 7')
fp: 28.02.2010 Freiburg, Ensemble SurPlus |
* | "erinnerte Zeit, gebrochen" (1996) for clar (bass-clar), vl and piano (ca. 19')
commission by the ensemble 21 NY fp: 18.4.1996 New York/ Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall; ensemble 21 NY |
* | "Fäden" (2006/ 10) for flute, harp, accordeon and violoncello (ca. 21')
fp: 23.09.2006 Eckernfoerde, ensemble reflexion K fp (rev. version): 19.06.2010 Leipzig, 20.06.2010 Dresden, ensemble reflexion K |
* | "Feld 3." (2005) for flute and harp (ca. 8'30")
fp: 18.04.2005 Amsterdam, B. Wagner, flute; E. Ignatjeva, harp |
"ferne Tiefe" (2020/ 21) for contrabassflute, orchestra, live-electronics and tape (ca. 26')
(2 fl, 2 clar (cb-clar, bass-clar), 1 cb-sax (Tubax), 1 contra-bsn, 2 hrn, 1 trp, 2 trb (2. cb-trb), cb-tuba, 3 perc, strings (5, 4, 4, 7, 3) and live-electronics) fp: 18.02.2022 Eckernfoerde, St. Nicolai church, 8. "Provinzlärm-Festival", Beatrix Wagner (cb-fl), norddeutsche sinfonietta, Ensemble Reflexion K and guests, Gerald Eckert (direction) |
"fuori" (2016) for flute (fl/ bassfl) and violoncello (ca. 12')
fp: 23.04.2016 Breklum, festival "4. days of utopia" |
* | "gedunkelte
Brüche" (2000) for viola d'amore (ca.11')
commission of the "Bludenzer Tage zeitgemäßer Musik" fp: 23.11.2000 Bludenz/ Austria, Garth Knox |
* | "gefaltetes Moment" (1997/98) for bass-fl (alt-fl, picc), clar, vl, vc + perc (ca. 14')
fp: 29.7.1998 Darmstadt/ Internationale Ferienkurse, Ensemble Phorminx |
* | "Gegendämmerung" (2008) for voice and flute (ca. 10')
fp: 09.08.2009 Heide, K. Kanowski, B. Wagner |
"Gesprochenes, abgelöst" (1995) for 8-channel-tape (12' -15')
(with D. Reith and Th. Neuhaus) fp: 7.10.1995 Tokyo/ festival for electroacoustic music |
"Gestade in Fernen" (2016) for 2 violoncellos (ca. 70')
fp: 15.07.2016 Eckernfoerde |
"im Endlichen, dehnbar" (2006/ 23) for accordion (ca. 11'30")
fp: 29.06.2006 Mexico City, Eva Zöllner |
* | "in die Nebelleere" (2015) for accordion (ca. 11')
fp: 18.04.2015 Erlangen, "Kunstpalais", Teodoro Anzellotti |
** | "Inschriften" (2003/05) for organ and percussion (ca. 21')
fp (parts): 04.07.2003 Essen, Y. Hayashi, organ, O. Tzschoppe, percussion fp (complete piece): 23.01.2005 Freiburg, Z. Szathmáry, organ, O. Tzschoppe, percussion |
"In Sich Ohne Ausweg" (1994) for 2-(4)-channel-tape (12'47")
fp: 31.10.1994 Essen/ Folkwang University of the Arts |
"instead of (empty rooms II)" (2019) for ensemble and electronics (ca. 19')
(fl (bassfl), clar (cb-clar), (perc), vln, vc and electronics) fp: 08.09.2019 Hannover, Sprengel Museum, Ensemble Megaphon |
"instead of II" (2020)
transcription of "instead of (empty rooms II)" for fl (bassfl), clar (cb-clar), (perc), vln, vc and electronics for ensemble and electronics (ca. 20') (fl (bassfl), clar (cb-clar), (perc), 2 vc and electronics) fp: 29.04.2021 Rendsburg, Nordkolleg, Ensemble Reflexion K |
* | "Interception" (2016) for violoncello and tape (ca. 7'30")
fp: 22.04.2016 Breklum, festival "4. days of utopia" |
"Interferenz I" (2004) for flute, violoncello, e-chin, electronics and tape (ca. 21')
fp: 03.09.2004 Eckernfoerde; Beatrix Wagner, Gerald Eckert, Werner Cee |
"Interferenz II" (2004) for flute, violoncello, e-chin
and tape (ca. 6'30") fp: 22.09.2004 Hamburg; concert "Globusklänge" Beatrix Wagner, Gerald Eckert, Werner Cee |
"Interferenz III" (2013) for tape (ca. 6'20")
fp: 30.08.2014 Greifswald |
"Kisalpah" (2019) for ensemble and electronics (ca. 18')
(fl (bassfl, picc), clar (bassclar), 2 perc, pf, 2 vc, live-electronics and tape) fp: 24.09.2019 Madrid, Teatro Galileo, Ensemble Neopercusion and Ensemble Reflexion K |
"Klangmoment" (2023) for ensemble (ca. 5')
(fl, 4 perc, E-git., pf) fp: 02.07.2023 Winsen/ Luhe, Ensemble L'art pour l'art |
"Klangraum Interaktiv" (1994) for 8-channel-tape
and light barrier control (ca. 30' - 45') (with D. Reith and Th. Neuhaus) fp: 18.6.1994 Dortmand, city hall; festival "Spektakel NRW" |
"Klangraum Interaktiv II" (1995) for 8-channel-tape
and interactive light-controlling (ca. 12') (with D. Reith and Th. Neuhaus) fp: 1.7.1995 Oberhausen/ Gasometer |
"Klangräume" (1991) for 2-channel-tape (5'30")
fp: 1.7.1993 Essen/ Folkwang University of the Arts |
* | "Klangräume II" (1991/2000) for piccolo and 2-channel-tape (5'20")
fp: 11.2.2000 dance project "Poesy of the time" with Diane Neiman Westfaelisches Industriemuseum, Glashuette Gernheim piccolo: Beatrix Wagner, sound-projection: Gerald Eckert |
* | "Krümmung der Augenblicke" l’inflexion des moments (2000) for stringtrio (ca.15')
commission of the french ministry of education and the arts - Fondation Royaumont fp: 9.9.2000 Abbaye Royaumont/ France, trio Recherche |
"Les contours de la lumière des jadis" (1995) for ensemble (12')
(1 fl/ picc, 1 e.h., 1 clar/ bass-clar, 1 hn, 1 trp, 1 trb, 2 perc, 1 vla, 1 cb) fp: 22.5.1995 Essen/ Folkwang University of the Arts, ensemble of the University |
* | "L’étendue des fins éclats, éparse" (1997) for
violin solo (15')
fp: 5.10.1997 Strasbourg/ France, Musica festival, Irvine Arditti |
"mehr als der Sand... - Wege"
(2011/ 12) cantata for soloists, choir and ensemble (ca. 40')
soloists (5 voices - sop., alto, tenor, bariton, bass), choir (mixed choir - 8 voices), ensemble (fl, ctb-clar, trb, accordion, 5 (perc.)-player, viola da gamba (baroque-violoncello), theorbo and contrabass) fp: 05.02.2012 Nicolaikirche/ Eckernfoerde, choir St. Nicolai, ensemble voces berlin, ensemble reflexion K |
"melting away" (2016/ 17) for percussion, organ and tape (ca. 32')
fp: 09.04.2017 Kunststation St. Peter/ Cologne, Rie Watanabe, Dominik Susteck |
(2017) for organ (ca. 7')
fp: 10.03.2017 Nicolai church/ Eckernfoerde, Katja Kanowksi |
* | "Nachtbogen"
(2001) for flute (alto-fl.) and violoncello (ca. 11')
fp: 23.11.2001 St. Nicolai church/ Eckernfoerde, Beatrix Wagner, Gerald Eckert |
"Nacht, die fallende" (2020) for violoncello, orchestra and live-electronics (ca. 21')
(2 fl (bass-fl), 2 clar (cb-clar, bass-clar), 1 cbsn, 2 hrn, 1 trp, 2 trb (2. cb-bass-trb), cb-tuba, dulcimer, 3 perc., strings (6, 5, 5, 7, 3) and live-electronics) fp: 18.02.2022 Eckernfoerde, St. Nicolai church, 8. "Provinzlärm-Festival", Burkart Zeller (vc), norddeutsche sinfonietta, Ensemble Reflexion K and guests, Gerald Eckert (direction) |
"Nacht einer Zeit" (2004) for ensemble (ca. 19')
(flute, saxophone (soprano, tenor), guitar, vla and perc) commission of the ensemble Catrall fp: 28.09.2004 Zurich/ Switzerland, ensemble Catrall |
* | "Nachtschwebe" (1997/98) for large orchestra (ca. 21')
(3 (2.picc/3.alto-fl), 3 (3.e.h.), 3 (3.bass-clar), 3, 4,3,3,1 tuba, cel, tmp + 5 perc., strings (min.: 12/10/8/6/5)) fp: 19.7.1998 Darmstadt/ Internationale Ferienkurse, NDR, J. Kalitzke |
* | "Nachtwindbewegtes" (2014)
for flute (fl/ bassfl.), clarinet (clar/ contrabass-clar) and viola (ca. 18') fp: 28.9.2014 Bonn, Theatre at the "Ballsaal" |
* | "Nen" (1996/97) for clarinet solo (ca. 14')
fp: 2.12.1998 Salvador - Bahia/ Brasil, J. Louis Barbosa |
* | "Nen II" (2003) for flute, electric guitar and percussion (ca. 1'30")
miniature for the twentieth anniversary of the ensemble L’art pour l’art fp: 22.11.2003 Winsen/ Luhe, ensemble L’art pour l’art |
* | "Nen III" (2004) for greatbass-recorder solo (ca. 12')
fp: 05.10.2004 Tokyo/ Japan, 08.10.2004 Bejing/ China; Gudula Rosa |
"Nen IV" (2004/ 11) for tape (5'12")
fp: 15.04.2011 Essen |
"Nen V" (2005) for english horn, percussion and violin (ca. 10')
fp: 26.01.2006 Stuttgart, ensemble SurPlus |
** | "Nen VI" (2007) for flute, oboe and clarinet (ca. 3')
fp: 01.07.2007 Wiesbaden, Theatre, ensemble recherche |
* | "Nen VII" (2007) for flute, violoncello, electronics and tape (10'29")
fp: 19.05.2007 Berlin, "Zentrale Randlage", ensemble reflexion K |
"Nen VIII" (2008) for tenor-recorder and percussion (ca. 7'30")
fp: 28.09.2008 New York, Tenri Cultural Institute, G. Rosa, H. Fujii |
"Nen IX" (2013) for recorder(s), accordion and koto (ca. 17')
fp: 06.12.2013 Cologne, Japanese Cultural Institute |
"Nen X" (2011) for dance, violoncello and electronics (ca. 17')
fp: 06.10.2011 Tosterglope, 07.10.2011 Hannover, 09.10.2011 Göttingen, Mikael Honnesseau - dance, Gerald Eckert - violoncello |
"Nen XI" (2011) for oboe, clarinet (bass-clar.) and bassoon (ca. 12')
fp: 20.12.2018 Choele Choel/ Arg., Distat Terra Festival, Ensemble Aventure |
"Nôéma" (1992/93) for violoncello solo (ca. 15'30")
fp: 17.06.1993 Essen/ Zeche Katernberg; soloists of the ensemble musicfabrik NRW, Angela Schwartz |
"Nôéma" (1999) version for violoncello and small ensemble (ca. 12'30")
fp: 18.06.1999 Suedhemmern/ Windmuehle; ensemble Horizonte |
"noir rugueux" (1999 - ) for violoncello solo | ||
* | "nor" (2008) for percussion solo (ca. 14')
fp: 23.04.2008 Fulda, Johannes Fischer |
"noya" (2009) for clarinet, violoncello and percussion (ca. 12')
fp: 02.10.2009 Tosterglope, Ensemble Aventure |
* | "offen - fin des terres" (2002) for ensemble and tape (ca. 16'30")
(flute (alto-fl, picc), cb-clar (clar), bass-trp, 2 perc, pf, vl, cb and 2 tapes) fp: 29.11.2002 Freiburg/ Brg, ensemble Aventure, J. Avery |
* | "Ogives"
(2000) for stringtrio
arrangement of the four pieces for piano "Ogives" by Erik Satie for stringtrio fp: 11.2.2000 dance project "Poesy of the time" with Diane Neiman Westfaelisches Industriemuseum, Glashuette Gernheim |
"Party Piece" (2012) for ensemble (ca.1'05")
(ob, bsn, trp, trb, perc, acc, pf, vln, vla and vc) as part of the "Party Pieces Project" (2012/ 2013) fp: 17.10.2013 New York, Miller Theatre, ensemble Either/ Or |
* | "pfadlos die Nacht" (2003/04) for ensemble (ca.31')
(trp, bass-trb (alto-trb), electric guitar, pf, 2 perc and vc) commission of the SWR - Stuttgart fp: 6.2.2004 Stuttgart, Eclat Festival, ensemble Ascolta |
"Prisma - du fond d'un naufrage" (2007)
for electroacoustic sounds (2-channel-tape) (2'10") fp: 25.11.2007 Fockbek, sound diffusion: Gerald Eckert |
"qos" (2018/ 19) for saxophone (sop-Sax, Tubax) and orchestra (ca. 15')
(3 fl (3. picc), 1 e.h., 3 clar (3. bass-clar), 3 bsn (3. contra-bsn), 4 hrn, 3 trp, 3 trb (3. bass-trb), tuba, 4 perc., strings (14, 12, 8, 10, 6)) fp: 21.4.2019 chateau Wotersen; 22.4.2019 Büdelsdorf, Thormannhalle Rico Gubler (sax.), youth orchestra SH, Rüdiger Bohn (direction) |
"Raumklänge-Klangbilder Les vestiges d'un clin d'oeuil disparu" (1994)
for 4-channel-tape (12'09") electroacoustic music for an installation of own paintings and drawings fp: 18.6.1994 Dortmand, city hall; festival "Spektakel NRW" |
"Restlicht des Dunkels" (2021) for large ensemble (ca. 21')
(fl, clar/ bass-clar, sop.-sax, hrn, trp, trb, tuba, e-git, perc, pf, cb and electronics) fp: 21.01.2022 St. Nicolai church, Eckernfoerde, Ensemble Consord |
"ruins of time" (2012/13)
for flute (bass-flute), clarinet (clar/ bass-clar), bassoon (or bass-clarinet), piano, violin, viola and violoncello (ca. 25') fp: 14.09.2013 Brunswick, Ensemble Aventure |
* | "Schächte - les nuages d'automne" (2002)
for flute, viola and harp (ca. 14') fp: 07.05.2002 BKA/ Berlin, trio Cardinal |
* | "Schatten, aufgeworfen" (1995) for soprano, vln and vc (ca.13')
fp: 30.9.1995 Royaumont/ France; ensemble Recherche |
"Schemen - Feld 10" (2017) for five wind instruments (ca. 4')
(2 trp, hrn, bass-trb, cb-tuba) fp: 20.08.2017 Hannover/ "Musik 21 - Niedersachsen" Festival 2017, ensemble Schwerpunkt |
"Schemen - Feld 30" (2017) for contrabassclarinet and electronics (tape) (ca. 14')
fp: 19.09.2017 domicil, Dortmund, Joachim Striepens (cb-clar); Michael Pattmann (electronics) |
"Schleier - im Dunklen der Zeit" (2022) for large ensemble, live-electronics and video (ca. 21')
(bassfl/ fl, clar/ cb-clar, hrn, 2 trb, 2 perc, acc, pf, 2 vc, live-electronics and video) fp: 24.02.2023 St. Nicolai church, Eckernfoerde, 9. "Provinzlärm-Festival" Ensemble Reflexion K and guests |
* | "Schwebe, verlöschend" (2000/01) for flute (alto-fl.), percussion
and speaker (ad lib.) (ca.12') fp: 23.11.2001 Nicolaikirche, Eckernfoerde/ Germany, Beatrix Wagner, Olaf Pyras |
"senkrechtes grün · Ton einzeln" (2022/ 23) for ensemble and string orchestra (ca. 12'45")
(ensemble: fl/ bassfl, cb-clar, vln, 2 vc; string orchestra: 5, 5, 4, 5, 1) fp: 24.02.2023 St. Nicolai church, Eckernfoerde; 25.02.2023 St. Marien church, Husum; 26.03.2023 St. Marien church, Rendsburg; norddeutsche sinfonietta, Ensemble Reflexion K, Christian Gayed (direction) |
"Sequenzen" (2008) for choir, ensemble, dance, video and electronics (ca. 75')
fp: 30.08.2008 Klein Leppin, Choir Klein Leppin, KNM Berlin |
"Sopra di noi... (niente)" (2014) for orchestra (ca. 24')
(1 bassfl/ flute, 2 clar (1: clar/ cb-clar; 2: cb-clar), 1 contrabassoon, 1 hrn, 1 trp, 2 trb (1: bass-trb; 2: bass-trb or cb-trb), acc, pf, 2 perc., 1 vln, 2 vla, 5 vc, 1 cb) fp: 20.2.2015 Eckernfoerde/ 5. "Provinzlärm-Festival", Ensemble Reflexion K and guests |
"späte Gegend" (2018) for orchestra (ca. 22'30")
(2 fl, 0, 2 (1: clar/ cb-clar; 2: cb-clar), 1 contrabassoon, 1 hrn, 1 trp, 2 trb (1: bass-trb / cb-trb; 2: cb-trb), 4 perc., e-git., acc, pf, strings (4, 0, 4, 8, 3) and electronics/ tape) fp: 15.2.2019 Eckernförde/ 7. "Provinzlärm-Festival", norddeutsche sinfonietta, Ensemble Reflexion K and guests |
* | "Studie über Nelly Sachs" (2004/ 08) for voice and ensemble (ca. 12')
(soprano, fl, hrp, acc, perc, vln and cb) fp (rev. version): 09.02.2008 Kiel, "Chiffren"-Festival, ensemble reflexion K |
"Traits - lointain" (2006-08) for seven wind instruments and contrabass (ca. 20')
(fl, ob, clar (bass-clar), bsn, hrn, trp, trb and cb) fp (first part): 20.05.2006 Freiburg, Ensemble Aventure fp (first and second part): 21.08.2006 Sao Paulo, 30.08.2006 Montevideo, Ensemble Aventure fp (complete piece, 1., 2. and 3. part): 14.03.2008 Bâle (CH), Ensemble Aventure |
"Tratto" (2010) two monologues for voice(s) and ensemble (ca. 20')
(sop., (bariton), clar (bass-clar), perc, vla) fp: 07.07.2010 Görlitz, 08.07.2010 Dresden, 09.07.2010 Chemnitz, Ensemble AuditivVokal / Ensemble AuditivInstrumental Dresden |
"Verschränkung - ins Offene" (2023/ 24) for contrabassflute, electronics and tape (12'54")
fp: 22.06.2024 New York, NYCEMF Festival 2024, Beatrix Wagner (contrabassflute) |
"Verschränkung - ins Offene II" (2024) for 4-(2)-channel-tape (9'34")
fp: 09.07.2024 Seoul, Hanyang University, ICMC 2024 |
* | "void" (2007) for 2 percussions (ca. 31')
fp: 13.05.2008 Freiburg, Duo eardrum |
* | "vom Innen - Körnung" (2003) for viola (ca. 9')
fp: 03.05.2003 Boston/ USA, V. Sannicandro |
"Von der Gewißheit des Augenblickes" (1994/95) for contrabass solo (12'30")
fp: 12.5.1995 Essen/ Folkwang University of the Arts, M. Bunya |
* | "wie Wolken um die Zeiten
legt" (1996/97) for soprano, fl, acc and perc (ca.15')
based upon two fragments by Friedrich Hölderlin and a poem by Saskia Reither fp: 26.5.1998 Hannover/ Sprengel Museum, ensemble L’art pour l’art |
"zweite Form desselben Gedankens" (2022) for contrabass solo (12'30") | ||
the marked pieces - with one star - are published by the Edition Gravis.
address of the publisher:
Edition Gravis
Grabbeallee 15
D - 13156 Berlin
Tel: +49 (0)30 - 6169810
Fax: +49 (0)30 - 61698121
to the publisher: info@editiongravis.de
the marked pieces - with two stars - are published by the Edition Gamma / Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag.
address of the publisher:
Edition Gamma
c/o Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag
Melscher Str. 1
D - 04299 Leipzig
Tel: +49 (0)341 - 9600750
to the publisher: info@hofmeister-musikverlag.com